Questions & Answers

Make more of the professional version features available as add-ons i.e. video player and mastering tools?

+5 votes
asked Nov 27, 2017 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by lyndsaydaltoe (760 points)
I have the Artist version of Studio One and like that I have been able to purchase add-on features such as third-party VST support that were previously only available in the Pro version. I can't yet afford the Pro version, so I was hoping that other features such as the video player (for film scoring/syncing), mastering tools and additional instruments/effects would eventually become available so that I can take a modular approach and just purchase the tools I need in stages. Is this something that might happen in the future? I would be interested to see who else would also like to see this happen. Cheers

4 Answers

0 votes
answered May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,470 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2017 by brockstallworth (3,120 points)
I would also like to see this happen. This would be awsome to get it piece by piece.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
SOme features from Professional have been added to Prime and Artist, such as the Arranger Track. However, I think PreSonus will probably never add any Project page to the other versions. It would render them useless products. Even other DAW manufacturers have a flagship product with other scaled down cheaper versions.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by lyndsaydaltoe (760 points)

I disagree jonnylipsham.

I don't think it would render the flagship version useless at all, on the contrary, I think it would make it more accessible. Effectively it is still buying the flagship version, only it can be done in installments, the final result would be that most people would eventually own the Pro version. For example, if the project page is considered 70% of the value of the pro version, then simply set the price of that add-on as 70% the cost of pro. However, some people might not require this feature in the short term but might want to try the video player for a project and if this feature is the second most valuable feature, it might be priced as 20% of the pro version etc. Later on they can go back and purchase the project page and once you have purchase all the add-ons you would have essentially 'unlocked' the pro-version.
