Questions & Answers

I'm having trouble installing the studio one add-on

+1 vote
asked Nov 14, 2019 in Studio One 4 by saibouguk (130 points)

First of all, please understand that I am using a translation function because I am Japanese.

1. I purchased Presonus AUDIOBOX USB 96.

2. Presonus AUDIOBOX USB 96 comes with an add-on.

【ADD-ON LIST】=======================================

・Plugin Alliance - Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker, Maag Audio EQ2

・Lexicon MPX-i Reverb

・Arturia Analog Lab Lite

・Output Movement

Klanghelmtube SDRR2

Studio Linked Trophies by Bryan Michael ***

・UJAM - Virtual Drummer - PHAT 2 - Studio Magic

・iZotope Neutron - Elements - Studio Magic


3. I managed to install only "Plugin Alliance-Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker, Maag Audio EQ2" and "Lexicon MPX-i Reverb" using serial code.

4). Other add-ons were not installed. “Serial code / serial number is wrong”, “already used”, “invalid”, etc. are displayed.

5). And now it ’s in trouble. Please answer if you have any details.

Finally, I will write my DTM environment.



OS:Microsoft Windows 10 Home(10.0.18362)

CPU:Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping9 2.90 GHz

RAM:8.00 GB

DAW:Studio One 4.5

Audio I/O:Presonus AUDIOBOX USB 96


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 29, 2020 by marcozampieri (210 points)

I have the same problem. I've been installaed PHAT , IZOTOPE, PLUGIN ALLIANCE, LEXICON, Klanghelmtube SDRR2, STUDIO LINKED TROPHIES but the serial numbers of the other plug in don't works. When i try to put the codes to add new product, the programms say that the serial number doesn' exist. 

Can you help me?

Sorry for the wrong english
