Questions & Answers

Can you buy everything in Studio One 3 Pro as add-ons for Studio One 3 Artist?

0 votes
asked Mar 13, 2018 in Studio One 3 by redbird (1,830 points)

As a beginning engineer, I just used Studio One 3 Artist, which came with my Audio Interface. I love Studio One Artist. Even after trying Pro-tools, I still want to stick with Studio One. I have bought some upgrades for it, including the pack that had the MP3 support, VST AU and ReWire support, the Remote Support, and the other things that came in that pack. I know you can get Melodyne (something I will probably eventually do), but is it possible to get all the other Studio One Pro features through the add-ons?



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
selected May 18, 2018 by PreSonuSales3
Best answer
No. Certain features are reserved only for the Professional version of Studio One such as the mastering suite, VCA faders, scratch pads, Open Air convolution reverb, IR maker and several others. More features only found in pro can be found here: