Questions & Answers

CS18AI: Can you control Virtual instrument parameters (not just insert/sends)?

+1 vote
asked Dec 13, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by darrelpinson (490 points)
CS18AI: Can you control Virtual instrument parameters (not just insert/sends)?

I understand you can press the FX button on the touch screen, and control the inserts and sends. On a PresonusLive video, it said you can also control the virtual instrument parameters, but it did not show how this was done. There is a rumor that you can press FX and ‘not’ select an insert/send and the rotary encoders would control the instrument by default? Is this true, and if so, do the scribble strips get populated with the VST parameters, just as the do when selecting an insert/send?

If the CS18AI does not do this, does the Faderport 8/16 or the new series iii mixers support this feature via the faders?

Ready to buy, if this is supported.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2018 by Mac Money (2,590 points)
selected Jul 30, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
Yes it can but you are limited to only 16 knobs and the buttons
0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2020 by johnvallely (300 points)

I have the same problem. I am afraid I still have not solved it though. You say you can "press FX and ‘not’ select an insert/send and the rotary encoders would control the instrument by default". 

Any time I select anything from this panel (Audio / VI / Bus / VCA / all) or the secondary functions (inputs / midi outputs / FX / user), the "all" light at the bottom starts flashing and I get no options. I've recorded a video here to show you:

Is there a problem with my Faderport or have I missed something? 

I'm using a MacBook Pro: macOS Catalina 10.15.6 
I'm using Logic Pro X

Any help would be appreciated, 

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2023 by johnvallely (300 points)
Has there been any updates with this? Still haven't figured out how to control VI parameters with the faders. I'm using Logic Pro....