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Control effect/instrument parameters with MIDI CC easily

+6 votes
asked Apr 21, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by eiphenellden (970 points)
In addition to be able to control easily parameters of an effect or an instrument with either automation & surface control, that would be nice to have also the MIDI CC channels as an input so we can use any software generated midi signal easily to drive any parameter.

That may look like that :

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 21, 2017 by joeljossie (5,340 points)
So if I'm understanding correctly, you want it to recognize individual MIDI Channels as distinct MIDI Devices? So, for example, assign some controls on a MIDI device to channel 1, and others to channel 2, then treat them as different MIDI Devices?

That'd be neat.
+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2017 by eiphenellden (970 points)
That would allow to choose any midi channel to drive any parameter, be it a real surface control or a software generated midi signal.

If there is a plugin that generates midi signal, that means there is no need to bake the automation because you could directly bound a knob to the midi channel input.
0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2023 by viswachakravarthy (3,020 points)
This would be so cool. I didn't realize S1 didn't have this.

Many instruments doesn't support direct CC learn (kontakt supports it)

So, currently you can assign knobs and faders in focus or global mode. But when you are recording the instrument, you have to keep the instrument UI open to record the automation (controlling volume or something)

If it's in global mode, recording other instruments also affects the previous assigned instrument (while recording)

A simple solution to have MIDI CC channels as input for any parameter.

This can be saves per plugin/VSTi as global and focus is saved.

E.g. I assign MIDI CC 7, to a master fader in a synth. Then record midi as usual. The CC7 will control that specific instrument (just like modulation for any other instrument) on a per channel, per instrument basis.