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Anyone successfully using a Faderport with DaVinci Resolve?

0 votes
asked Dec 14, 2017 in FaderPort Classic by konradwelz (300 points)
I bought a FaderPort recently for Logic X, but now I'm wondering about setting it up for the Fairlight window inside DaVinci Resolve.

I selected the HUI Compatible MIDI protocol (One can also choose MCU Compatible) - and it recognised the FaderPort. It sort of works with automation and the transports work, but it's a hit and miss affair with automation. I'd just like to know if anyone else has tried it and what they've discovered is the best setting.



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2018 by christopherbrownfield (440 points)
selected Jun 12, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer
Hello. I have found a solution to using Faderport with Davinci Resolve (which I've tested), as well as any other software package for audio, video, or even photographic editors like Lightroom and Photoshop.

I have no affiliation with any of these companies--I'm just an independent user.

There is a MIDI translator program called Bome MIDI Translator Pro that will capture MIDI from the Faderport and allow you to map specific messages to wherever you want. The software costs 59 euros ($73), but the big up-side is that you can use it for any MIDI device on any software, provided that you make a 'preset' that works with that software. It's not hard, but not intuitive either, so I'll explain one method for doing it.

In Bome MIDI translator, create a new preset for your software (I was using Davinci).  

1) Crete a new 'translator' for the first button you want to program.

2) In the inspector under 'incoming', check 'capture MIDI' box and press the button you want to program on the Faderport. This will fill the box below with a bunch of MIDI code that is transmitted from the Faderport through the MIDI interface. We don't need all the code, just part of it. Specifically, you will see two Hexadecimal codes (groups of 12 characters, 0-9 A-F). The codes are presented like this: B0 0f 0E B0 2F 44   There will be one hex code near the top of the code and another hex code a few lines down.

3) Copy or type both hex codes into the box labeled 'raw MIDI message', one code after the other in the original order they appeared.  This means that the translator will trigger your chosen response whenever it sees the previous two hex codes; the translator will ignore the rest of the code, which is fine since those two codes together should uniquely identify each button.

4) Check the box for 'swallow MIDI', which will prevent the raw midi from going through to your software. We want the translator to trigger a response that we define, not the original MIDI message, so the original MIDI message for that button stops here.   

5) In the 'Outgoing' box, you can make the translator send a keystroke, apple script, or another MIDI message. I choose keystrokes for simplicity, and also because keystrokes are often useful across different programs (Space bar will start/stop on many programs).  

6) Consider adding a delay to the keystroke so the computers has time to keep up with the command.

7) Test the functionality in your program to verify that it works the way you want.

8) Save your preset.

9) Duplicate the 'translator' for the first successful button and repeated the process for each button. After the first successful button, you'll need only to change the hex code inputs and the assigned output.  

10) Note that there is a different hex code for each button when you press the 'shift' key or other modifier key on the Faderport. You'll have to figure this out on your own, since I'm not finished with mapping that far down yet (not sure if I need it).

I was able to make a functioning map for keyboard assignments for the buttons this way in about 15 minutes after I figured out how to do it.  

For the fader, mute, solo, and pan control, I didn't change anything, I just left it the way that Davinci maps it and checked the box for using MIDI controls with a 'Mackie HUI' in the Davinci preferences.  This is my favorite part of the MIDI translator--it's not an either/or proposition, so you can effectively use the original programming for the components like faders alongside the new custom button assignments because of the way that it 'swallows' the MIDI messages that you choose not to pass onward.

I hope this helps. It took me about five hours of work to go from opening my new Faderport to this point, but now I have a method for using the Faderport in every possible software package that will be created, and I won't have to wait for anyone to update drivers, etc..  It was worth the effort. :)  

0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2020 by marcinswitalski (140 points)
Thank you Christopher so much for sharing this solution.

It worked, and it will make my Faderport more universal control than anything I had on my desk before.

Best regards
