Questions & Answers

How do I load the instrument definition for my hardware synth (roland xv-5080) into Studio One 3.5 Professional?

+2 votes
asked Dec 23, 2017 in Studio One 3 by LucasTX (2,710 points)
Hi, I am new to StudioOne, migrating from Sonar (which I used for many years) - looking forward to learning all of the features on StudioOne - the thing I am struggling with this morning is how to load the instrument definition for my Roland hardware synth (xv-5080) into StudioOne.


2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 23, 2017 by robertbrodbeck (500 points)
I have the same problem.  Ex-Sonar user, I want to take my .ins files for the xv-5080 and convert them over to use them with Studio One.  From what I have researched so far (all the google searches turn up very old posts) it is not possible.  Studio One does not support Patches but there is a midi channel/port function or something like that (whatever that means).

Unfortunately I am not Midi programming expert, I just want to import the definition files and select patch and bank off the definitions that show up in the track.  To be honest it was just pure luck that I even got my Komplete Kontrol S88 to even route to the xv-5080 but now I find out there is no "track selection awareness" with studio one, so I have to jump out of studio one to Komplete Kontrol standalone, deselect the Motu express 128 midi out port so that the midi notes stop routing to all the softsynth in's.

The whole thing has been horribly frustrating both audio and midi routing and monitoring!  Quagmire!
0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2017 by robertbrodbeck (500 points)

Hi Lucas,

I have actually figured all this out (presonus studio one support was no help).  The process is a bit involved but workable.  I will post links to get you started but in general:

- First I had to add the xv-5080 as an instrument, it will receive midi from the motu 828 midi express Port 1 (motu output port)

- Add a second keyboard (Komplete Kontrol S88) input Komplete Kontrol - 1, Output Motu Midi Express Output Port 1

- to switch sounds in the 5080 it has to be in performance mode (multitimbral) and you use the track inspector on each Instrument Track (xv-5080 is the instrument created above) and the bank/patch setting.  the 5080 uses MSB/LSB patch number and bank to switch sounds, in studio one you have to combine them.  The patch number below is the calculated MSB/LSB, bank is 1-128 (if the bank has 256 the patch number may increment from lets say 11414, 1-128, 11415 1-128 this is the SR-SV80-14 Extension board):

Patch[11200]=Roland XV-5080 PR-A
Patch[11201]=Roland XV-5080 PR-B
Patch[11202]=Roland XV-5080 PR-C
Patch[11203]=Roland XV-5080 PR-D
Patch[11204]=Roland XV-5080 PR-E
Patch[11205]=Roland XV-5080 PR-F
Patch[11206]=Roland XV-5080 PR-G
Patch[11072]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-A
Patch[11073]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-B
Patch[11074]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-C
Patch[11075]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-D
Patch[11076]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-E
Patch[11077]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-F
Patch[11078]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm PR-G
Patch[11008]=Roland XV-5080 Rhythm User
Patch[11136]=Roland XV-5080 User

See these links for more info, I am up an running, it is not very user friendly but it is working and I have multiple tracks all playing input from the 5080 via S/PDIF. Copy the following link into browser:

There are three additional links at the bottom of the page above that give additional info.  I had to also go to the Roland site and pull down xv-5080 documentation on External Card patch lists etc. because my Sonar setup just had the instrument definition that I setup 8 years ago so I forget EVERYTHING about the in and outs of working with the 5080.
