Questions & Answers

Can I use my Finale, Aria, and Gattarin instrument voices in Notion 6, please. Thank you.

0 votes
asked Jan 10, 2018 in Notion by paulholiday1 (150 points)
I like to use Notion 6, but I would like to have other instrument voices (accordion, music box, drum rhythms) from my Finale, Aria, and Gattarin files available in Notion.  Can I move/copy them into Notion?  If so, how?  Thank you.  Paul

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 6, 2018 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
You can use Garritan in Aria inside of Notion 6.  You will want to enable Aria in the plug-in manager of Notion.  Once enabled, you should see a family of instruments in Score Setup for GPO.  If you are in the Score Setup window, you can open the plug-in manager form within the VST Instruments tab.