Questions & Answers

Can I daisy chain a Firepod interface with a Firesudio project via firewire and use all sixteen channels? Thank you

0 votes
asked Nov 8, 2020 in FireStudio Series by ignaciostantero (120 points)
Hello, Can I daisy chain a Firepod interface with a Firesudio project via firewire and use all sixteen channels? Thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2021 by jim59 (140 points)
I have been trying to get information on how to dasey chain two fp10s.... the only info Presonus is providing is;

1) your equipment is 10 years old.
2) we dont care how much money you have invested in the interfaces
3) we dont care that they are otherwise operating perfectly
4) although we probably do have software that would enable your interfaces to do what we initially bragged that they did so well...
5) we've disabled all links to the drivers and software ( we didnt say that the drivers dont exist or that we dont have them)... we are saying that we arent going to let you have them... because you should spend another $2000 for the new stuff... not because the new stuff works better but because the old stuff... is old ..... and we think that you should be good consumers and spend more money.... after all this IS a throw away society.
6) we recommend that you trash your otherwise perfectly usable stuff and BY NEW PRESONUS STUFF.... no !!! dont buy scarlettes !!

In my opinion.... PreSonus stopping support of older equipment that was otherwise very nice.... indicates a CLEAR disloyalty to the customers.

Although I do own two FP10s..... without support... I ..... wont .....  EVER BUY ANOTHER PreSonus...anything.
