Questions & Answers

My Studio one 2 Audio Box was replaced and my new Audio Box is not loading; what's needed for it to be recognized?

+1 vote
asked Nov 23, 2015 in Studio One 2 by gobell studio (160 points)
I was able to open a project that I'm working on but when I hit play it wouldn't play. This makes sense since the program isn't recognizing the new audio box.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
the AB USB is port specific, so it may be needed to reinstall the drivers to get it going. If it is the iOne or iTwo series, then you need to install the driver for that unit.


Are you sure that device is recognized on the system, but just isn't selected in Configure Audio Devices? Is it showing up correctly in device manager on the pc?