Questions & Answers

Mod wheel not working

+1 vote
asked Feb 8, 2018 in Studio One 3 by mortenflyvholmiversen (160 points)
I just bought an Akai MPK mini vkII, and everything seems to be working fine except one thing.

Whenever i turn the pitch and mod joystick: the pitch works fine, but the mod seems to be adjusting the K1 knob instead, which means the mod wheel is rendered completely useless. How to i make studio one recognize the mod joystick as a seperate input and not the same input as the knob?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2018 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Here is a guide from Akai on setting up the MPK Mini VKII with Studio One:
0 votes
answered Mar 9, 2019 by amuniversum (2,030 points)
Hi. Did you fix this issue?
I have the same problem with this controller (only in S1) and Presonus ignore my question about it...
0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2022 by jonniebrooks (140 points)
any one resolve this issue?. I'm using mpk mk3 and cant get modulation to work either.