Questions & Answers

Presence Mod wheel not working, Bend wheel OK

+1 vote
asked Oct 24, 2017 in Studio One 3 by anthonystrizenec (160 points)
Mod wheel doesn't modulate the sound of any Presence instrument, external device is an Alesis V61 MIDI USB keyboard. . Bend wheel working fine. MIDI data is activating Mod wheel on Presence control panel which moves as it should but has no effect on the sound. All filters unchecked in External Device edit section. All good before an update a few months back then stopped working. Have removed and re-installed device a couple of times to no avail. Had a gutful. Please Help!

3 Answers

–2 votes
answered Oct 25, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Thank you for contacting Presonus Technical Support. Sorry to hear about the recent issues you have been experiencing.

Please delete your Studio One settings and reinstall Studio One: 

1.  Quit Studio One

2.  Click Start and type %appdata% [Enter] to open the Roaming folder.

3.  Open PreSonus/Studio One 3

4.  Copy the contents of the folder to a folder on your desktop for use as a backup.

5.  Delete all files and folders except for the user.license file

6.  Go to Control Panel > Programs and Uninstall Studio One

7.  Log in to and download a fresh copy of Studio One and install. 

*If you are missing any Sound Sets after doing this, simply go to Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets and double-click one of the files.  

If the issue remains, please create a ticket to technical support. 

Here is a link to create a ticket:

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2020 by scottrobshaw (330 points)
I am experiencing the same issue. Receiving midi mod wheel signal (mod wheel on virtual keyboard mimics physical mod wheel), however no alteration in the sound output. Please supply a similar fix for Apple computer. With thanks, Scott.
+1 vote
answered Aug 15, 2020 by jeffreycranston (300 points)

I disagree with the below answer.  The problem with the Presence instruments is that Presonus didn't bother to add the MOD A settings for the Mod wheel at all so that's why it's not doing anything.  If you make changes shown below you can get vibrato.  If you change the Mod A items as shown in the second image, you get Filter changes instead of vibrato with the Mod Wheel.
