Questions & Answers

How Do I Export MIDI Tracks?

0 votes
asked Feb 28, 2018 in Studio One 3 by highmarcs (330 points)
I have a number of tracks half done in S1, and I would like to transfer them for finishing in Cubase.  How do I export instrument/MIDI tracks in S1 so that I can place them into instrument tracks in another DAW.  The only options for stems/track/channel exports that S1 appears to give me are ones that bounce/render everything to audio.  I don't want to export my instrument tracks as audio though, I want to export each instrument track as a MIDI file.  How do I do this in S1?  Can I do this in S1?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2018 by danielbayer (3,050 points)
You can drag any MIDI event to the files tab in the browser. For whole tracks I would combine all events on the track to one event, starting at bar 1, before exporting the MIDI.
+2 votes
answered Mar 13, 2018 by danielbayer (3,050 points)
You can save the song (Save as) and then choose MIDI as format in the export dialog. This will save all MIDI/instrument tracks that are in the song in one step.
0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2020 by rogerbaker2 (180 points)
Studio One 5: 1) To export MIDI files and have them come back in time: first use the SLIP tool that appears when hovering over the left end of event and drag to the left to create silence right up to zero starting point (if your MIDI file did not start at 0). Then use arrow tool to select MIDI events. Go to top menu and choose EVENTS>EXPORT SELECTION, choose location. 2) To export AUDIO files do the same using SLIP tool, then arrow tool to select all audio events (or one at a time) and then EVENTS>EXPORT SELECTION, choose location. I have found no other way to export midi and audio events and then import them and expect them to be in time. If you don't use the SLIP tool to extend the tracks to 0 start they will all start at 0 and not be in the proper event location.