Questions & Answers

Can someone explain the definition of Pre or Post for the RTA on the Series lll 16R.

+3 votes
asked Mar 5, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by johnandersen (2,220 points)

Can someone explain the definition of the choices when using the RTA on the Series lll 16R?  The choices are “Pre” or “Post”.  I would assume Pre =‘s Pre-Fader & Post =‘s Post Fader?  What I want to do is use the RTA to ring out any issues with the Main & Monitors..... “Pre” or “Post”’

Thanks ... John

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 6, 2018 by mikerodgers2 (1,170 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
Just as is sounds. Pre RTA is the eq signal from the source. Post RTA is after eq. However, until they fix the latency problem on the RTA, it’s going to lag on the signal.
asked Jun 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by silverdrive (1,890 points)
recategorized Jun 7, 2019 by silverdrive
Selectable source for the RTA on the GEQ on SLIII
+1 vote
answered Mar 6, 2018 by johnandersen (2,220 points)
So it turns out the “Pre & “Post” is referencing the GEQ .   Pre is “Pre GEQ”,  Post is “Post GEQ”
0 votes
answered Apr 23 by ReneMuhr (340 points)
Yes, the lag or latency using the RTA is really an impudence. On X32/M32 it works perfect without any latency in realtime! Shame on you Presonus. Using a better cpu  and still slower. very poorly programmed!