Questions & Answers

Selectable source for the RTA on the GEQ on SLIII

+2 votes
asked Jun 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by silverdrive (1,910 points)
recategorized Jun 7, 2019 by silverdrive
I would make it less complicated and faster to tune Mains and Monitors with pink noise if say:

You connect your measurement mic on channel one. You add pink noise playback on channel two or via mobile (BT).

Then when you go to the GEQ on the Mains, you can select channel one as source for the RTA.


4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Jul 19, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer

The Series III mixers are equipped with ONE Real Time Analyzer, which is used "global" on ALL equalizers, once it is acivated. The 8 Graphic  Equalizers are available only on the 18 outputs (Main l/r and 16 flex mixes), where they can be routed freely. It is not possible to use a Graphic Equalizer on the return channels (FX, AUX, TAPE ) or on the input channels. I don't know of any mixer which has this function...

There is no Smaart in today's StudioLive mixers, therefore it's no use to think about workarounds or ask for specific features. If you want to measure acoustics, get Smaart on a computer or tablet and use the mixer only for sending the noise to PA or monitors...

+1 vote
answered Jun 7, 2019 by silverdrive (1,910 points)

Each input channel also has an RTA that can be enabled per channel basis on the Standard EQ. On the GEQ, the RTA is set to analyze whatever Output that specific RTA is enabled on, for example the Mains. What I would like to see is an option where I can set the source of the RTA on the GEQ to any of the mixers inputs.

I am fully aware that I can use Smaart or any other third party analysis tool for this job. But less is more, and if I can do this quickly in the mixer, its more efficient. Less gear to carry to/from gigs.
0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

Let me say it again: Whatever RTA you see somewhere, it's only one, not several. UC Surface will not show a second or third RTA, no matter what input or output you have selected. A second "free patchable" RTA would be worth a feature request, but the dual core mixers seem not to have enough DSP power left any more.

What sense does it make to "analyze" a signal on an equalizer, which you can't use to process the signal? The way it is handled on the boards and in UC Surface is the correct way: Inputs = PEQs, outputs = GEQs and PEQs.

"Less to carry" is always good goal, but the wish to let the console handle "everything" has its limits. The Series III mixers are designed with iPads and/or computer screens in mind as display for what the touch screen simply can't deliver. A Series IV console might handle this different, but for now we depend on external visual "helpers".

It would be better to improve UC Surface radically.

0 votes
answered Nov 1, 2019 by michaelreust1 (2,540 points)
Wahlerstudios, I don't think you understand the task we're trying to accomplish here- it's fine if there's a single RTA, as long as we can assign it the measurement mic as a source, while operating the GEQ on the mains.  I have determined through testing that if you RTA an aux mix while sending signal on the mains, you still see no bars on the RTA- same with the RTA display in individual channels- and I have successfully displayed two different RTA graphs simultaneously, on a tablet and on the console- therefore, the ridiculous workaround here, which sort of works, is to send noise over bluetooth, assign a GEQ to an unused aux mix, send the measurement mic to that aux, then save the settings you've dialed in, and load them in the mains GEQ.

You've gotta understand that in many applications, carrying extra gear is absolutely unacceptable. I frequently work corporate shows where I tune 15-20 rooms in one day, and speed is paramount, plus no client's gonna pay for 15 extra laptops just to run room analysis. Also, I work a lot of fast turnaround club shows where margins and schedules and space are all tight, and where the general public has access to the sound table. Any portable piece of gear you add to that table is one more thing that could get stolen, and one more thing you've gotta carry on foot to a venue with no parking.