Questions & Answers

Best drivers for to connect StudioLive 2442 to 2011 MacBook Pro OSX Yosemite

+1 vote
asked Mar 7, 2018 in Classic Mixers by stephanweber (360 points)
I bought my StudioLive 2442 second hand and included were 3 discs:

Capture, Universal Control, and WAVES plugin bundle.

 The StudioLive 2442 manual references a StudioLive disk. Is that synonymous with the Universal Control disk?

In any case I was not able to properly install the Universal Control or Capture on my 2011 MacBook Pro. Will somebody please point me towards the best install download for Universal Control and Capture and the alleged StudioLive disc that would be compatible with my MacBook Pro.

It should be noted that when viewing what I call the MacBook Pro’s “connection tree”, the StudioLive 2442 is shown as being connected under the FireWire section - as are whatever USB devices I have connected.

Though despite all I wrote above, the StudioLive 2442 will not appear as an option to select for an audio device in both Studio One 3 Artist (successfully installed via the download provided on after registering my the hardware).

It should be noted that the MacBook Pro (located at my home studio) does not have an internet connection. I was able to download and register StudioOne while at a free WiFi hotspot.

I know my question was loaded, but I appreciate any help.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer
You shouldn't rely on old disks for the software. You need to go on your My.PreSonus account to get the current UC, Capture, and Firmware for the board.

On go to "My Products".

Then click on the image of your console

Then scroll down to downloads. All 3 downloads should be there. The firmware should end in 9194.