Questions & Answers

Removing Drums From A Sample

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asked Mar 19, 2018 in Studio One 3 by dannyquaranta (120 points)
I'm trying to sample Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust". I want to remove the drums from the sample and add in my own house beat. I'm trying to use the Pro EQ tool but I can't seem to exclude the kick, snare, and hats from the sample while including bass, guitar, and vocals.

Additionally, if there's a plugin that specializes in isolating parts of samples (for example excluding drums, excluding everything but bassline), I'd be willing to pay for it. This is my biggest barrier to creating the music I hear in my head right now. I'm using Studio One 3 Artist ver. 3.5

1 Answer

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answered Mar 23, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Maybe try to find a vocal iso/acapella of that song. It’s old enough that there should be some tracks from the masters floating around.

That way you can re-create the rest of the track the way you envision it. If you want, you can try to incorporate the original bass by isolating the bass with Pro EQ.

I don’t know much about Studio One’s spectral editing capabilities but you could probably use a program like izotope Rx’s spectral Editor to remove the kick and hat artifacts from the bass line.