Questions & Answers

Don't move following notes when removing a selection of notes

+21 votes
asked Jul 17, 2020 in Score Editor by ray19335 (2,800 points)

Editing MIDI material has different results based upon which window you make the edits in. Since there are three 'views' of the same material (piano, drum, score) one might assume editing shares a set of common functions and behaviors. 

If you select a note in the Piano View and then delete it, the note is removed and nothing around that note will change or move. Switch to either of the other views and your edit is the same (the note is removed from the Drum view, a rest is inserted in the Score view). The same is true for the Drum view. BUT, if you select a note in the Score View and then delete it, all notes following it will move. Studio One performs multiple edits that you did not ask for. Try it. Make a simple sequence of a C scale as 8th notes. In Piano and Drum view remove the first C note. Compare the other two views. Undo and reset. Then do the same in Score view. The notes have moved.

From a composer's perspective, that is an ok workflow as long as you work primarily in the Score View creating music.

BUT, if you view this as an editor or producer who is now working with a part someone else recorded, this behavior works against you. I will switch views as needed to better understand the material I'm working with. If while in the Score View I see a player's scale-based phrase and think 'it would be better without the second 8th note', I am definitely NOT thinking '...and I want the notes following that one note to change positions and change the phrase's rhythm, putting a different note into that second 8th note position.'

Studio One should at least offer a preference for which way you want the Score view to behave: a) like Notion or b) in sync with the other two views. 

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Jul 18, 2020 by lorihorsfall (1,160 points)
sorry, not an answer, just wish to elaborate on this point: it should be a choice PER BUTTON CLICK to allow following notes to fill the gap or PREVENT them from filling the gap. .  Some notation programs allow for that,  it is vital for composing.
+1 vote
answered Dec 9, 2020 by raylindsey (530 points)
Totally agree. very frustrating to me when I want to remove a note for instance in score view. At least there should be an option to disable this action. It comes from Notion, because that is how Notion operates.