Questions & Answers

Quick Expand/collapse for tracks

0 votes
asked Mar 26, 2018 in Studio One 3 by macthesword (830 points)
In Edit view the ability to quickly expand or collapse tracks with a little button. Currently you have to drag the bottom up or down to resize which is good to customize the size but many other programs such as Sonar and Vegas have this ability

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 27, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
I'm pretty sure this functionality is already there without a button- Have you tried holding CMD or CNTRL and using the mouse wheel while the cursor is over the arrange area? This is how I very quickly minimize or expand all the tracks. At least on my system I can hold CMD, flick the mouse wheel, and make everything tiny. Also ALT + Z gives you a full view of the song which shrinks all the track heights.
0 votes
answered Mar 29, 2018 by Naughtalis (600 points)
Create a folder track and group the tracks. open and close the folder to expand or collapse
+3 votes
answered May 18, 2019 by sethwells (200 points)

I had the same hair pulling experience but finally found the correct answer. I am not sure if you have already what you are looking for but here goes anyway.

In your track list on the left side at the bottom, There is a row of icons for Mute, Solo, Activate All Inserts, and Track View. If you click on the small disclosure icon you can set the standard view for your song. In the image below yousee the world "Tiny" at the bottom, this is where  you change the view.
