Questions & Answers

WDM Setup not available in Series III?

0 votes
asked Mar 27, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by daveanderson1 (170 points)
I also have a 24.4.2 and just ordered my 32SL S-3. For clarification, did you just confirm a crucial feature for playback channel assignments using Windows has not carried forward in your latest generation board/UC control sofware?


If so, please provide us Windows losers with playback routing alternatives other than tape out?!?! lololol...are you kidding me?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by benpierce (99,440 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
You can use the digital patching on the console to route the computer channels to any console channel. Just figure out which USB channels are routed to the tape in, then repatch them wherever you want.