Questions & Answers

How to setup QMIX-UC with StudioLive Series III 24R mixer. I don't know how to get the sound from the aux mix

0 votes
asked Jun 24, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by araunah (170 points)
I have a StudioLive 24R rack mount mixer and I am using UC Surface for the management of the channels and routing. I have several channels routed to Aux 1 but when I open up my QMIX-UC on my iPhone and select Aux 1, I do not get any sound. I can hear the sound from the main monitors but I can't hear anything from my Phone. I am trying to use the phone as an in ear monitor.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,480 points)
Best answer

Audio over WiFi is not possible with just the mixer and Q-Mix. You need to connect a head phone pre amp to the mixer to hear the audio. 

