Questions & Answers

How do record to an SD Card on a StudioLive 16 Series III and a 32R as a stage box?

0 votes
asked Mar 31, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by mr16track (650 points)
edited Apr 1, 2018 by mr16track
I have a StudioLive 16 Series III that does not record audio to the SD card when using the 32R as a stage box.  It only records silence, no actual audio.

UPDATE: OK... Since I knew I wouldn't be able to record to an SD Card last night, I took my laptop to the gig and was going to use Capture...  It was a no-go.  When I started Capture, it recognized it was connected to a Studiolive 16 Series III console, but when I created a new session the tracks did not transfer, and there was no signal except from the main mix on 33/34.

It appears that you cannot record when using a Studiolive 16 Series III with a Studiolive 32R as a stage box.  I'm puzzled by this, because Rick Naqvi says in a video that Phat Hat recorded to both an SD card and Capture with a similar setup.  There MUST be a setting that allows me to record with this rig, but I cannot find it.  I'm about to lose a great jazz gig that I'm supposed to be recording.  If anyone can help, I'd REALLY appreciate it!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 29, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer
This is probably because you need to set the digital send source for each channel coming from the 32R to digital.

1. Select a channel on the console

2. Hit the settings gear icon on the screen

3. At the bottom left you should see a Digital Send Source section. Hit Digital if it is not already highlighted.

If you download and install firmware version 1.8, it will automatically switch the send source to digital when you route a channel to a digital input. Older firmware versions have to go channel by channel to switch it.