Questions & Answers

Stems Export with Name of Previous Song Version. Why?

0 votes
asked Apr 2, 2018 in Studio One 3 by Grazie (120 points)

The OLD name was Country Rail Road2a. The newer, saved filename is Country Rail Road3a. But, all the exported Stems/Tracks from this new Country Rail Road3a have the name of Country Rail Road2a. This is most tedious. What am I doing wrong? Does S1 3 Pro  know the new name to apply it to the Exported Stems?

USER Expectation: Exported Stems to acquire updated Filename

USER Experience: Exported Stems do NOT acquire updated Filename but retain the OLD Previous Name.

Please advise,



  • Computer Make and Model: PC 7 64-bit 16gb * Intel® Core™i7-2600k Quad Core 3.40GHz * 2GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 560 Ti
  • Studio One Pro 3:  Version 3.5.5 (January 30, 2018):

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2018 by danielbayer (3,030 points)
You have to change that prefix in the 'Export Stems' dialog window. This dialog always saves the last prefix that was used here.