The OLD name was Country Rail Road2a. The newer, saved filename is Country Rail Road3a. But, all the exported Stems/Tracks from this new Country Rail Road3a have the name of Country Rail Road2a. This is most tedious. What am I doing wrong? Does S1 3 Pro know the new name to apply it to the Exported Stems?
USER Expectation: Exported Stems to acquire updated Filename
USER Experience: Exported Stems do NOT acquire updated Filename but retain the OLD Previous Name.
Please advise,
- Computer Make and Model: PC 7 64-bit 16gb * Intel® Core™i7-2600k Quad Core 3.40GHz * 2GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 560 Ti
- Studio One Pro 3: Version 3.5.5 (January 30, 2018):