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Export stems with bus channels included and side chains (using ghost note)

+27 votes
asked Jan 5, 2018 in Look and Feel by lukasz.minkiewicz (380 points)
I produce a lof of electronic music and I use busses on daily basis. When I'm exporting my tracks to steams I cannot use S1 "Export stems options" because it can exports:
- as tracks on arranger view (so my multi output percussion is just a stereo track)
- as channels - but each channel is exported with busses off and bus tracks are exported separately; also sidechain is missing because I use ghost notes to control the sidechain

My work around is that (for export only one channel!):
1) solo channel for export
2) solo ghost note
3) solo each bus which I send my exported channel (default busses are muted)
4) mute other channels which were unmuted by the bus channel
5) export mixdown
repeat for each channel steps 1-5

This is very frustrating and it would be great to add such options for export stems to include above workflow.

2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jan 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
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0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2019 by erikhusler (4,540 points)

Late to the party by a year, sorry... I'm just finding out about exporting stems - one of few remaining benefits of Pro Tools is its simple bounce/ export dialog where you export the mix and stems easily and simultaneously.

But relating to your issue, You need to solo safe a sidechain trigger track, right? So it can't be muted. You ⇧-click the Solo button. It doesn't need to have an audio output assigned. You could just copy the trigger track.

I use the VPS multiband sidechain which can be triggered by a MIDI track. Then I "solo safe" the MIDI track so it can't be muted - it will affect the bus(es) it drives. My setup to export sidechained stems:

First I have 2 main buses, KICK and MUSIC. I put the VPS SCh plugin on the MUSIC bus. Inside of MUSIC I have Stem buses (Hi DRUMS and others). Then, after the buses I put VCA's for each stem: This way I can route/"merge" the Hi DRUMS stem bus (inside Music) with the KICK bus to get the complete DRUM VCA. And all the other stems will be sidechained. Hope this helps you or someone.