Questions & Answers

Quantum Feature Requests/Ideas

+2 votes
asked Apr 3, 2018 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by fooks815 (470 points)
Hey Presonus! You guys are making some really cool stuff! Just some thoughts on the Quantum...It would be cool to get a Quantum without the XMAX preamps. Simple 8 IN and 8 OUT AD/DA. Keep some of the other features, MIDI, ADAT, S/PDIF, Headphone outs. Basically everything exactly how it is, but no pre-amps. You guys are so close to competing with HD systems, all over Thunderbolt. I saw a short video you guys posted on YouTube where you were tracking drums with 2 Quantum's. Getting less than 1 ms roundtrip. Rick was operating the camera...but made me think, you guys aren't even using the XMAX pre-amps. You bypassed them and went with the ADL's. I get you can bypass the pre's. Fine...but there are people who don't want to spend money on a feature they won't use. Have both versions of the Quantum. Also, I love how you guys are using LED meters instead of a digital screen. How bout 8 LED meters for the 8 outputs too?

2013 Mac Pro 3.7 Quadcore, 16GB RAM 500 Flash Storage, macOS 10.13.4, Pro Tools 2018.3, Logic Pro X 10.4, Universal Audio Apollo Twin Quad

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

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