Please add a keyboard shortcut which simply adds an empty event wherever the cursor is.
I'm not speaking about the mouse cursor but about the vertical line.
Additionally a little window should be shown where you can decide the length of the new event.
An example how it could be:
Shift+N, then you type in 8 and press Enter
Result = A new empty event with the length of 8.
Right now you always have to use the mouse to either double click or choose the pen tool.
When you work with a MIDI device or prefer the computer keyboard, you always have to switch back to the mouse.
It's especially annoying when you want to do step-recording, because it always requires an empty event.
And please add the option "Paste shared".
(There is only "Duplicate shared".)
These are basic things which should have been available since day 1.
Ignore the request regarding "Paste shared".
I found a work-around:
Create an S1 macro which does:
- Duplicate shared
- Move to cursor
So, please only focus on point 1: "Create event with keyboard shortcut"
Best regards