Questions & Answers

Installation of instrument packs failed....

0 votes
asked Apr 30, 2018 in Studio One 3 by akoslumnitzer (160 points)
I signed up to test this software, while downloading the installation files, in the window, the following errors showed:

Studio One Instruments Vol2.soundset


Ueberschall Impact Drums.soundset


Prime Selection Loops and sounds.soundset


Studio One Musicloops.soundset


I am running a Mac with Sierra 10.12.6

However, in about six weeks I will switch back to a Windows based PC.

Why are the files not downloading? My whole hope of trying this is, that I hated Steinberg, cannot be bothered with Garageband (switching to Windows shortly) and I liked what I saw online.

This is already so frustrating and I have not even installed this software properly yet.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 30, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer
Log in to your account and download the sample packs instead of doing this through Studio One.

Studio One has a multi-link downloader that some ISP's may block. By downloading it from the account will initiate a single thread https download which the ISP is expecting.