Questions & Answers

Installation of classical guitar expansion in progression failed

0 votes
asked May 18, 2017 in Progression by matthiasschmidt (200 points)
I purchased the classical guitar expansion for progression 3. After the download the installation failed: A window in progression pops up and says: boost: bad format, string: string-format is ill formed. What is there to do?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 18, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Below you will find information on manually installing an Expansion Sound in Progression or Notion.


1.  Open Notion or Progression and go to Help>Software Activation.  Press the "Receive Licenses" button and verify that you are authorized to use the sound.

2.  Go to c:\Program Files\Notion or Progression\Sounds\Expansion and verify that the sound is in this folder.  If it is not, please put it there.

3.  In Notion or Progression, go to File>Preferences>Audio and press the "Choose..." button.  Navigate to c:\Program Files\Notion or Progression\Sounds and press the "Select Folder" button.  This will reload your Sounds folder into the program.


1.  Open Notion or Progression and go to Notion (Progression)>Software Activation and press the "Receive Licenses" button.  Verify that you are authorized to use the Expansion Sounds.

2.  Go to Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Notion Music/Notion (or Progression)/Sounds/Expansion and verify that you have the desired Expansion Sound or Sounds in this folder.

3.  Open Notion or Progression and go to Notion (Progression)>Preferences>Audio and press the "Choose..." button.  Navigate to Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Notion Music/Notion (or Progression)/Sounds and press "Select."  This will reload the sounds into the program.

*If you continue to have a problem, please try closing and re-opening the program.  In the event that you have a corrupt or incomplete download of the file, please delete the Expansion Sound from the Expansion folder and download it again from your account.
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2018 by davecoffin2 (790 points)
Nice answer Brian