Questions & Answers

My studiolive 16.0.2 is not showing up on my capture, universal control or on the studio 3

0 votes
asked May 16, 2018 in Classic Mixers by olagokeawodele (150 points)
I use an apple  -  imac with OS High Sierra, version 10.13.4. Applications concerned areUniversal Control v1.7.6.5875 for OSX,Capture 2 for Mac OSX Version, and Studio One 3 Artist v3.5.6 build 45910

My audio interface is Studiolive 16.0.2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
selected May 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
We noticed you logged a support ticket with Windows 10 as your OS. We can safely say we know this works on Windows 10 (1803 April 2018 Update) with UC

We've done a lot of work to make sure the drivers are correctly signed and Windows 10 compatible. If you try to install older builds of UC prior to UC 1.7.6 you will get the error that the driver is not signed. This release of UC 1.7.6 is the only one we recommend for installation on Windows 10 (as of this writing, 5/18/18).

We would strongly suggest that you uninstall all previous installs of Universal Control on both your Mac and your PC.

Disconnect your SL1602 from your system / turn it off.

Run the uninstaller from the Windows Control Panel / Programs and Features / Uninstall Universal Control 1.7.6.

on Mac, download the UC 1.7.6 dmg and in it is an uninstaller that you can run, then reboot the system.

However if you have older versions of UC that you've attempted to install, there may be older software in your system that is preventing the install. For this we suggest doing a deep dive manual uninstall. To do this, please follow these instructions:

Your FireWire SL1602 will show up as a FireStudio interface in your system. These instructions apply to the FireWire model of the 1602.

Uninstall and Reinstall FireStudio on your Mac:

On High Sierra there is a new wrinkle that Apple introduced to make installing drivers on their OS a challenge. Please read.

Uninstall and Reinstall FireStudio on your Windows PC:

Then your system should be cleaned out and ready to accept the new UC 1.7.6 installer.