Questions & Answers

Studiolive 16.0.2 firewire can only use channels 1-2?

0 votes
asked Aug 14, 2016 in Classic Mixers by matt15 (160 points)
Hi, I have a Mac Pro running Yosemite 10.10.15, and I'm having trouble with firewire. With Logic Pro, I'm able to choose what channel I want music to come through on my Studiolive 16.0.2 mixer, but when I use Youtube, or anything else, I can only get sound through channels 1 and 2. Does anyone know why this would happen, or how I can change it to a different channel? All feedback is appreciated.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 18, 2016 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
selected Aug 18, 2016 by matt15
Best answer
YouTube will only use 2 channels.  You can configure which channels to use in the Audio MIDI Setup Utility.  Click once on any empty spot on your desktop.  Then click the Go menu at the top of your screen.  Select Utilities.  Open the Audio MIDI Setup.

Click the 16.0.2 to the left and then click Configure Speakers.  Here you can specify which channels YouTube or other native programs will return on.
0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2016 by GLJones (1,020 points)
Universal Control has a place in Settings to assign the channels.  I think it will also change them in StudioOne.