Questions & Answers

studio one 4 won't scan vst's on mac

0 votes
asked May 23, 2018 in Studio One 4 by alexanderdelicata (690 points)
Studio one 4 stalls when scanning for plugins- when i open a session none of them work. everything was working fine on studio one 3. how can i fix this? SOS

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 25, 2018 by lutzvogelsang (1,680 points)
I have the same issue on a PC (Windows 7 64Bit).

Please open a support ticket. Seems to be a general problem with the new dedicated PlugInScanner.exe.
0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2018 by dllmusic (590 points)
(Temporary) fix. Turn internet off and the vst scan should work fine... (then you can switch auto scan at startup off and reconnect internet)
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2019 by seandurand (140 points)
Just gonna chime in here and say of all the different "fixes" that have been recommended (which none seemed to work for me no matter what I tried), I accidentally resolved the scanning issue by simply turning off my wifi. All plugins scanned perfectly, after initial scan, turning back on it will work as normal (although if you add a new vst it hasn't scanned yet, it might fail again in which case try turning off the wifi again). Not sure why this worked but that's definitely what did it for me. Running on OSX Mojave.