Questions & Answers

Console collection does not show up in Studio One 4

+2 votes
asked May 27, 2018 in Studio One 4 by jimwoolfe (450 points)
CTC 1 Pro console Shaper  add on is not showing up in Studio One V4. Only Console Shaper. This is on Mac pro 2010 6 core Intel

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 27, 2018 by Savage1969 (250 points)
Same issue on Win 8.1 i7:  Tried uninstalling extension, restarting S1, reinstall CTC extension from fresh downloaded installer (via S1 Extensions menu), restarting S1, still nothing. Softube's Tape MT does show up though so it seems only CTC1 is the issue.
0 votes
answered May 28, 2018 by Bert62 (310 points)
Same here on Windows 10. The Channel Strip Collection is also not showing. They are grayed out in My Extensions in the Studio Extensions Panel. Everything does work in V3 so this seems to be a V4 issue. I filed a support ticket.
0 votes
answered May 29, 2018 by jimwoolfe (450 points)
OK, I think I found out why. It does not show up in the demo version. I just purchased the upgrade and CTC 1now works fine