Questions & Answers

Open up routing flexibility in RM & AI mixers

+58 votes
asked Dec 4, 2015 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by shaneboaden (200 points)
recategorized Dec 7, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Open up the routing within the mixer and allow soft patching of inputs to any other open channel without need to unplug and re plug into another channel.


Any mix bus should also be able to be patched to any of the available outputs ie..aux outs, mono, l/r and headphone outputs.

This ability has been available on most other digital consoles on the market, ********* x32, Allen and Heath Qu mixers, sound craft etc...

6 Answers

+3 votes
answered Dec 8, 2015 by stingray1122 (7,740 points)

Thank you for your request. We'll be using the voting system on these requests to help us prioritize new feature for upcoming releases.

Ray Tantzen, Senior Product Manager - PreSonus

0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2016 by darthMatthis (1,770 points)
I feel like this is a double edged sword. While I would love the benefits of soft patching, I have been confused by it on the soundcraft consoles so many times. There definitely is a value in hard patched inputs.
+3 votes
answered Mar 4, 2016 by scotttitus (1,210 points)
patching or routing is a helpful tool if understood completely.
+6 votes
answered Mar 6, 2016 by lukastruninger (2,250 points)
This is a missing essential! For example, I need to be able to route the CUE to an Output in order to connect, beside the headphone, also a monitor to the solo buttons. Further, it must also be possible to use the same input on two channels (digital split). Like this, I can make 2 different mixes out of the same microphone.
+6 votes
answered Apr 25, 2016 by Katash (620 points)
this is a basic of digital mixers and one of the points that discourage me from buying an rm32 - I need to process a few inputs on multiple channels so a free (input) routing would be appreciated - same goes for outputs. Maybe make it a switchable option defaulting to off if you want to keep it more foolproof.
+2 votes
answered Oct 31, 2016 by timg11 (530 points)
There have been a number of similar requests for routing / matrix functions, including

Please combine all the requests and total the votes!