Questions & Answers

Version 4 - Feature Questions

+1 vote
asked Jun 5, 2018 in Studio One 4 by Around Since Dirt (700 points)

I searched, honest. And read. I have two burning questions about Studio 4 before I upgrade.

External clock input - 

Global Audio I/O setup? 3.5 currently knows I have multiple outputs, never can find multiple inputs and requires setup for every song.

Even in Sonar X3 setting this up is a drop down and checks. The same for MIDI. Are we going to have to build an external device for every virtual port on something intelligent like an iConnect M4+ without simply checking it off? All the improved workflow and the look of Studio one are vast improvements over the competition. The complete lack of real workflow savers is starting to be a deal breaker for $149 upgrades that don't adrdess core production environment issues. I'd like to flip the switch on something where the heardware hasn't changed, it knows who it is and off we go. I love the look and feel of the product. But...

Thanks. Hey, a buck and a half isn't easy to find just sitting around to throw away if it is't going to solve a problem.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2018 by Bbd (14,370 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
You want to be able to setup your inputs and outputs so that they can be used for new songs.

Set your song default settings at Song Setup/Audio I/O Setup, configure your Inputs and Outputs and then select "Make Default".
0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2018 by Around Since Dirt (700 points)
This isn't an answer from me, but a Thank You! Man -- How many times do we see things and look past them or ignore their significance. Big duh on me. Thanks again!

Now, if S1 would only read my mind and reassign any old work...JK.