Questions & Answers

Is there a way to add multiple dynamics to a series of highlighted notes (vertically)?

+1 vote
asked Jun 6, 2018 in Notion by kokopelli72 (700 points)
retagged Jun 7, 2018 by kokopelli72
I  know there is a way to apply articulations to a series of highlighted notes vertically down the score but I can't find if there is a way to do the same action to dynamics. To clarify, I don't want to add different dynamics to one note but add the same dynamic to a series of highlighted notes.-- Ex. pp, p, mp...or sfz, likewise.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 7, 2018 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer
Not yet, no.

You can add this to the Notion Feature Requests though, for others to vote up/down - the developers pay close attention to these
