Questions & Answers

Fire Studio 26x26, 24-bit, 96kHz FireWire Recording System

0 votes
asked Jun 26, 2018 in FireStudio Series by tonymoser (170 points)
I have used the Firestudio for a decade on my windows xp. Last year I switched to Mac (which had firewire port) and after downloading new drivers I was able to get the Firestudio to work great. Now I am Looking to connect it to a newer Mac OS High Siera10.03.5 using the thunderbolt-firewire adapter and 400 to 800 firewire cable. Will this work since this is an older interface?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2018 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer

The FireStudio 2626 has been discontinued for many years and is no longer supported under current computers and operating systems.

You may get some functionality but you will not get fully function using it with an unsupported system.

You can find the supported systems for the FireStudio 2626 here and available drivers here.
