Questions & Answers

Why is my musicloops not loading?

0 votes
asked Jun 27, 2018 in Studio One 2 by djak24k (270 points)
edited Jun 27, 2018 by djak24k
Studio One v2.6

I have installed all my soundsets… when I click on Dark Trap 103BPM.musicloop in the sounds window I can hear the beat and all of the sounds. But when I drag and drop it I've got nothing. Turns out impact was blank. So I scrolled through some of the presets and quite a few of them look completely empty! What's going on?

Could that be because the XT soundset I grabbed is released under the Version 4 Demo download stuff?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
The soundset you were trying to access is designed to work in a newer version of Studio One than with Studio One 2.

Click on the Tech Specs section of the bundle you're interested in to check version compatibility.