Questions & Answers

Can't change pitch names for BFD 3

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asked Jul 12, 2018 in Studio One 4 by christopherczajka (260 points)

I'm a relatively new user, I spent about 6 months with SO3 and am now demoing SO4 Pro. I'm having a problem where I'm using BFD 3, and am unable to edit the pitch names. The pitch name preset defaults to a preset called "BFD3" which I did not create or assign to the track, and the program isn't letting me change the pitch names manually either. I can change the names/load presets with other instruments such as Sampletank 3, but not BFD 3. This is crucial to me being able to use SO4 as I cannot access all the drum sounds in BFD as it is.

It may be worth noting that on the Track Inspector for the track, there is a field called "Program" which doesn't show up on any of the other instrument tracks in the project. The only option in the dropdown list for Program is "BFD" … I have a feeling this might be related to the problem.

Any ideas? Input of any kind?

related to an answer for: How to save changed pitch names?