Questions & Answers

Output Level control on NSB16.8

+1 vote
asked Jul 12, 2018 in Networked Stage Box by davidsiegel1 (450 points)
I've gone through the short manual and through the digital patching tutorials end to end, but I cannot figure out how to patch my Aux 3 Fader to the output level for the NSB 16.8.  You can patch it to Mix 3, for example, and if you ride up your input faders the output goes directly to the the output on the NSB, but what if I want to have a fader control overall level for the output just like if I had the output plugged directly into the StudioLive mixer on Aux 3?  The only way I can think of doing this is to put all of the input faders in a DCA, but this doesn't seem like the best way to do it.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 31, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

If you are looking to send AUX's out of the NSB stage box then you need to send the following streams. 

AVB Sends 41-48 = Mix 1 to 8 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Behaves the same as a normal Aux with Pre/Post and DSP settings

AVB Sends 49-56 = Mix 9 to 16 = NSB Outputs 1-8

  • Behaves the same as a normal Aux with Pre/Post and DSP settings