Questions & Answers

Freeze up to a specific plug-in. ( Commit plug-in)

+24 votes
asked Aug 1, 2018 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by jorgepinto1 (4,700 points)
recategorized Jan 7, 2021 by arndkaiser
Please consider adding the ability to freeze or commit up to a specific plug-in. Currently, only " transform to rendered audio or transform to real time audio" is available. But this commits the entire track. Sometimes, freezing the entire track is not necessary only specific plug-ins.

Thank you, George

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 7, 2020 by johnspengler (690 points)
Yes! Like PT's Track Commit. Often I have a Phase Alignment plugin or Vocal Tuning plugin on the first insert I'd like to commit so I don't have phase issues (both examples have this problem if not rendered) so this is critical!