Questions & Answers

Option to always open specific plugin window on channel selection

+3 votes
asked Jul 29, 2021 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by Joelker (290 points)
This is something I would find super useful, especially when using controllers:

At the moment, the plugin window follows track selection, but only opens the last used plugin on that channel. It would be great if we could choose a preferred plugin for each track to open regardless of which one was last opened.

If we could assign a specific plugin we want to always be opened on each track by right clicking the insert and getting the option to "Always open on channel selection". This could be indicated with a little green dot or something on the insert name. So for example, I might want to always open one specific channel strip when selecting the snare channel, and a different plugin on my vocal tracks.

We could also take it a step further and be able to choose one or more plugins to always be priority globally, in descending order. For example, if plugin "x" is on the selected track, always open that plugin window upon channel selection. If plugin "x" is not on the selected track, open next plugin in the priority list etc.

If another plugin on that specific selected channel is chosen to always open, that overrides the globally selected plugins.

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