Questions & Answers

Anyone else having issues with new Effects causing UC Surface to crash on Series III 32 R?

+2 votes
asked Jul 15, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by rgbass (920 points)
Updated my 32R the other day, and was stoked to have Chorus and Flanger available to me now.  However, when testing those plugins, I got a plug in error on UC Surface and UC Surface closed.  Opened it back up, and was able to switch back to a dealy before it crashed again.  No other issues when using original plugins.  Anyone else have this issue?  Didn't want to update either of my other boards until it was fixed.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 19, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

Ensure your entire system is up to date and that your device is meeting the mini specs. If the issue remains log a support ticket. 


Jul 2019 Updates.

Software Version Information:

Universal Control (Mac/PC) - v3.1.0.53214

UC Surface (iOS/Android) - v3.1.0.53214

QMix-UC (iOS/Android) - v3.0.0.51525

Hardware Version Information:

Series III — v2.1.16232

NSB 16.8 – v1.1.0.15533

NSB 8.8 – v1.1.0.15534

EarMix – v1.1.0.15533

SW5E – v1.0.0.15447

Supported OS Versions:

OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan) or later

Windows 7 (x64) Service Pack 1 + Platform Update, Windows 8.1 (x64), Windows 10 (x64)

Android 5.1.1 Lollipop or later

iOS 10 or later

0 votes
answered Jul 16, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Nobody in Answers, the Forums or the closed Facebook groups has reported something like this. There are problems with Windows 10 here and there, but nothing similar to your problem. The new effects are integrated into the firmware. They are no plug-ins like the additional equalizers and compressors. If nothing went wrong with the firmware upgrade of your mixer, UC Control/UC Surface is the problem. Firmware and software MUST use matching versions. Using older software (UC Surface) can cause problems. This is the "latest & greatest" for the Series III ecosystem:

StudioLive Series III (all models) - v2.1.16232
NSB 16.8 - v1.1.0.15533
NSB 8.8 - v1.1.0.15534
EarMix - v1.1.0.15533
SW5E - v1.0.0.15447

Universal Control (Mac/PC) - v3.1.0.53214
UC Surface (iOS/Android) - v3.1.0.53214
+1 vote
answered Jul 16, 2019 by rgbass (920 points)
Thanks for the list.  I will check all of my devices when I get home.  I could really use the chorus effect this weekend, just want to make sure it's working before I launch it on a gig.
0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2019 by simonebaldoni (3,350 points)
Hi rgbass, I experienced something similar. I was very happy that Chorus and Flanger bus were added , but after the latest UC Surface firmware update (version released last 11 July 2019) I noticed that it  crashes instantly as soon as I start the app  on my Samsung Tablet. I also noticed on UC Surfece specs that the Android version should be 5.0 or later and not 5.1 or later. I really hope that this will be fixed soon because I use  the remote control of the mixer a lot during gigs.