Questions & Answers

Configuration please help me

0 votes
asked Aug 9, 2018 in EarMix 16M by jeffparent (210 points)

I’m ready to buy a configuration but I need some help to confirm my choices.

Here should be my setup

1-Analog channels (24) > RIO Dante > Yamaha CL5 + Dante card

2-Mac for Sequences > Dante > Yamaha CL5 + Dante card

3-MacMini with Dante software receiving 43 channels from RIO and direct out or groups from CL5


PRESONUS Studio Live Série III rack mixer 32 via USB for Outputs

This is for receiving 43 or more channels and routing > 32 outs (USB)

From the rack Mixer > 5 x EAR MIX 16

The MacMini is essentially because I can’t have AVB for EAR MIX and Dante Optional Card (even with others Presonus products)  I can also record the shows into this MacMini BUT should use a DAW with Audio configuration Dante inputs and USB outputs.

Is it ok ?

Do I absolutely need AVB switch ?

Thanx and sorry for my Frenchy English


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 30, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
edited Oct 25, 2018 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
6 EarMixes can be connected to the Series III mixers, they will need to be powered. You are at the limit of AVB hops, please refer to the following link for details on the Series III AVB Eco System.
