Questions & Answers

rta y spectrum en ipad con el RM32AI

+1 vote
asked Aug 15, 2018 in UC Surface / Qmix by jorgefrancisvillanuevalazarte (400 points)
Hi, I hope you're ok ... I need to know if it's possible to place the RTA and SPECTRUM on the iPad that I've been waiting for since March ... I do not know if they can vote yes or no, but the gentlemen remember that other brands like Mackie DL32R and others consoles offer that function that makes us very necessary in UC Surface !!! I confess that I left the Mackie to Presonus for some points, but I did not know they did not offer it ... I know that connected by firewire offers it, but it still enslaves us to be on the Mac. I need you to place the RTA and the SPECTRUM through of IPad, please or regret selling my Presonus products and see another option. I hope you have in mind Thank you very much

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
RTA on the iPad for Fat Channel displays is not possible.