Questions & Answers

MIDI catch range

+17 votes
asked Dec 10, 2015 in Recording by niles (54,670 points)
recategorized Apr 20, 2018 by niles

When recording in loop mode in Studio One with input quantize disabled, you probably experienced the following issue once in a while.
The note(s) you play, intended to land at the start of the loop (left locator) end up at the entire end of the loop (right locator), because you played them a few milliseconds early. 

This can be solved by adding an adjustable MIDI catch range. Which basically is a hidden zone with adjustable length (in millisecond) at the right locator (end of the loop). Any notes played within the zone (intended to land at the start) will be placed at the left locator (start of the loop)

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 10, 2015 by jpettit (11,810 points)
Sounds good. But if I know the developers, they will want to make that improvement invisible.
+1 vote
answered Dec 11, 2015 by niles (54,670 points)
Yes it must be invisible. I bet 9 of 10 DAW users don't even notice it when their DAW uses a catch range. It is however wise, to have the possibility to at least change (0 = disabled) the catch zone size (maybe in options). Simply because people working on larger ASIO buffer sizes, lower sample rates or faster tempo's need a larger catch zone. Or the developers should intelligently connect those, which would be awesome of course ;)
+3 votes
answered May 31, 2017 by snb1 (980 points)
Yes exactly!
+1 vote
answered Feb 19, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Would love to see an option or improvement that addresses this.

Just a note, this frequently comes up when recording the output of Instrument tracks too such as Xfer Cthulhu. For some reason within S1 the notes are placed in ways where they don’t land accurately in the loop, so what is recorded is not what S1 plays - and in these cases, there’s no user input involved. Weird.