Questions & Answers

Arranger tracks with absolute time base

+3 votes
asked Feb 16, 2021 in Recording by rolandsippel (1,540 points)

Feature request: Arranger tracks with absolute time base (locked to SMPTE)

Arranger tracks can set to Musical or Absolute.

Musical:  A section’s M:B:T position stays constant, and its absolute position shifts.

Absolute: A section’s absolute position stays constant, and its M:B:T position shifts. Absolute time is useful for scoring to film/video.

Arranger Track Absolute

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2021 by blakealbinson (2,300 points)

I think you may be looking for Time--Linear vs Beat-Linear timebase. Time-Linear means that minutes and seconds (or frames) are spaced visually evenly; Beat-Linear keeps measures and beats spaced evenly. 

+1 vote
answered Feb 17, 2021 by rolandsippel (1,540 points)
Okay, but it is not a display issue. It's the same issue with Markers. You have a Marker (or Arranger) set to a Picture Hit- or Waypoint  (in the Video - locked to SMPTE). You can't change the tempo, so that a Marker (or Arranger) fits to a Down- or Upbeat. Perhaps it is a features request for tempo changes....

In Cubase it is called "Time warp Tool" or "Set measure beat at now" which changes the tempo (for example: you are with a Marker or Arranger Start on Measure 3.4 --> "Set measure beat at now"  ENTER  3.1 and the tempo calculate automatically to fit Marker (or Arranger) on Measure 3.

It's not a nice to have - it's a showstopper for scoring to picture with dozens of Marker (or Section Arranger)  ....
0 votes
answered Feb 21, 2021 by rolandsippel (1,540 points)
It continues here:
Tempo Mapping for Markers and Arranger