Questions & Answers

New 2018 Faderport vs Classic feedback?

0 votes
asked Aug 22, 2018 in FaderPort Classic by gregruscigno (440 points)
I've never had a Faderport, so wondering what people are noticing between the old Classic and the new 2018 far as quality, features, and workflow use in S1 v4. Price wise leaning towards the Classic for now unless the new one is so much better and features that Classic doesn't do, etc.  TIA

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 22, 2018 by travischase (570 points)
selected Aug 22, 2018 by gregruscigno
Best answer
I just recently purchased the classic. It’s great but one thing I’ll point out is the buttons. I also own a PreSonus Monitor Station that has the same type of buttons the newer editions of the Faderport has. They are softer and barely make a sound when pressed whereas the classic has harder buttons that “click” rather loudly. No big deal but I use it when tracking and the mic really pics this up. You won’t get that with the new models. Just my 2c.
0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2018 by gregruscigno (440 points)
Thanks so much travischase! Great info man! Cheers!

I had someone in a fb group remind me that since I have an iPad I could use that with the Presonus app and be ultra set without wires or extra cost. You agree?
0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2018 by travischase (570 points)
They are probably right. I’m not familiar with the iPad app. I went the Faderport route because I wanted tactile controls. I chose the original because it is smaller than the new one and would fit in my laptop bag so I could use it remotely. If you don’t need that “feel” the iPad option sounds very reasonable.
0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2018 by gregruscigno (440 points)
I’ll try the iPad app soon,then go from there. I’d love to own and use a faderport tho, the feel would be cool indeed. Thanks for replies!