Questions & Answers

Sounds are suddenly distorted in Studio One 4 Artist

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asked Aug 25, 2018 in Studio One 4 by brucegordon2 (120 points)
I have a new Pearl MalletStation and downloaded Studion One 4 Artist as a source of sounds, using the provided sound set for the MalletStation.  Except for some delay (latency the right word?) the sounds were beautiful.  I got up this morning and all of a sudden all of the sounds are distorted.  Each sound has a crackling sound at the end when I strike a key.  Since I played with a setting or two, I deleted the settings file and let Studio One reset itself to factory defaults and I reinstalled the sounds set.  Nothing works.  

Help would be appreciated.  Also, will a USB audio interface solve the latency problem.  Right now, my iphone with SampleTank works better, but I want the high quality sounds of Studio One.

