Questions & Answers

Link mono and main outputs on RM mixers

+38 votes
asked Dec 16, 2015 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by danielneilsen (360 points)
retagged Dec 18, 2015 by stingray1122
In the situation where the user has subs connected to the mono out and normal pa speakers connected to the main outs and the user is using EQ/LPF/HPF as a crossover.

It would be very handy if the main and mono volume sliders could be linked to provide a single slider to adjust the FOH volume.

It would be even better if the mono and mains could be linked as a set of outputs sharing a single FAT channel (but with a setting for crossover frequency) as this would make eq changes and smaart room analysis a hell of a lot easier across the entire FOH setup.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 18, 2015 by stingray1122 (7,740 points)

Thank you for your request. We'll be using the voting system on these requests to help us prioritize new feature for upcoming releases.

Ray Tantzen, Senior Product Manager - PreSonus

+1 vote
answered Jun 15, 2017 by daverlee (610 points)
I wish I could vote more often than once. This is a very important feature, especially if one of the advertised use cases of the mono output is as a crossover sub feed. I want to upgrade my church from our original studiolive 24.4.2 to the rm32ai + cs18ai, but I cannot if the mono can't be linked to the mains. I don't want to have to train my volunteer sound team to adjust two faders for overall volume, especially if the center one is labeled "Flex Master". Hopefully this is a simple feature to implement. Extremely important!
0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2018 by dominickcafarelli (550 points)
edited Jun 27, 2018 by dominickcafarelli
In the 24R there is no way to link but I see that the StudioLiveAI mixers have a LCR mode. Having a LCR mode with a relative slider and linked crossover point would be good. Having been a prior user of other mixers in this class, it is relatively straight forward feature to have LCR mode so that you can set the volume of the C output relative to the Main Mix outputs L/R and that you can configure the crossover frequency between the C and L/R output channels. It is a simple feature to use and one that probably benefit the users of the StudioLive III Console and Rack Mixers.