Questions & Answers

Since rel.4.1 issue with Loudness detection for plugin insert per track. Workaround found.

+5 votes
asked Sep 26, 2018 in Studio One 4 by robertjauner (250 points)

 With Studio One rel. 4.0, in Project, when I wanted to detect loudness for one track having plugin inserted, it worked.

Since 4.1. When I launch Detect Loudness, it doesn't work, at least not for me and my computer.

Workaround: I've moved the plugin inserted per track To MASTER: Inserts. Then it works.

Do some other studio users have the same behavior?



3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 26, 2018 by dougindrick (240 points)
I'm having the same exact problem, except that I went from Studio One 3 right to version 4.1.  Loudness detection is not working for me-- after "detecting loudness" it just shows the same exact level as pre-fx.  This is happening for plugins added to the "insert" section, not when added to the master section.
+1 vote
answered Sep 29, 2018 by michaelpeloso (200 points)
Same thing here, I thought it was me.....Spent 4 hours on this. I also put in a ticket. Also, which is the issue....the plugs get disabled when you Update the Loudness. Just reverted to 4.01 and everything is good now
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by BobF (2,080 points)
The developers are aware of this problem.  We'll have to watch release notes for the fix